One of the ways we teach is to present English conversations for them to study. The book I use includes two main characters (Andy and Euri) who have conversations back and forth such as "Hello Andy." "Hello Euri" Where is your mother today?" "She is at the supermarket." "What will she buy?" "She will buy apples."
Usually the kids have to recite and memorize the conversations; for some classes, however, I have them write their own conversations using the Andy and Euri characters. This gives them an opportunity to think in English and to be creative in the process.
Some days of this exercise are better than others. I probably don't even need to mention that many of my students are better suited for comedy than English study.
Here's a sample:
Andy: Let's go see the gorillas.
Euri:Your face is a gorilla face.
Andy: You're very crazy.
Euri: No, but let's go see the crazy monkeys.
Andy:Shut-up you have a crazy gorilla face!
Euri:False, crazy boy.
Andy: Wow! Look at the gorilla!
Euri: Where?
Andy: Hoho, you're stupid.
Euri: AWW.... Hey, look at the monkey!
Andy: Where?
Euri: Hohoho you too are stupid.
Andy: ...............
Euri: Hoho Bye stupid Andy.
Andy: Let's go see a tiger.
Andy:What? Let's go see a tiger.
Euri: What?
Andy: You're very very crazy!
Euri: What?
Andy:Go away!
Euri: What?
Andy: Let's go to the zoo!
Euri: No I don't want to. Let's go to the restaurant!
Andy: Hey I don't like restaurants!
Euri: Ok you go to the zoo.
Andy: Ok, goodbye stupid woman.
Euri: Goodbye crazy man.
In an upper level class, I added a third character (the zookeeper) and even gave them a story scenerio (Andy and Euri start to feed the animals and the Zookeeper tells them no). This was also a class that I banned the following overused words: stupid, crazy, childish, childlike, stonehead, and shut-up.
Here's a sample from that class, a dialogue where Andy and Euri actually persuade the zookeeper into letting them feed the animals:
Andy: Let’s go to the zoo!
Euri: Yes! Let’s go.
Andy: What’s your favorite animal?
Euri: I like the elephant.
Andy: Really?
Euri: No. Just Kidding!
Andy: So what is your favorite animal really?
Euri: The desert fox.
Andy: I brought a scorpion. Let’s feed it!
Euri: Ok!
Zookeeper: Stop!!
Andy: Why?
Zookeeper: Because I said so!
Andy: Let’s go to another zoo.
Euri: Ok. Good idea.
Zookeeper: Wait. I’m sorry, you can feed the fox.
댓글 3개:
Yes, these dialogues may sound silly, but nothing shuts James up quicker than a pointed "False, crazy boy."
There's actually a kid in that class whose English name is James. His conversations never get the award for the best in the class because like most of the boys his end up with Andy fighting a member of their community such as the baker, the butcher or candlestick maker and Euri cheering him on.
His essays are pretty funny though. For his "If I Made a Movie" essay, he said it would be called Bad Movie and it would fail. For his "If I had a billion won" essay, he admitted he would waste it and not save any of it. And for his "If I were teacher" essay, he said he would bother the students and fail the school.
Pretty negative attitude, but what a sense of humor! Oh and his English is almost perfect.
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