I will write about my trip to Japan in a later blog, but so much has happened since then that I don't want to leave out. My sister is visiting me now, so I am on a busy schedule of showing her most of the things I've seen in Korea and then some.
Last week we went to some exotic little museums including the Chicken Art Museum and the Owl Museum. The Chicken Art Museum we visited is apparently the only one of its type in the world. The exhibition largely centered around the use of chicken on funeral biers in traditional Korean society. Chickens symbolized the passing from one world into the next. I probably should not have told the tour guide of the museum that I knew a little Korean because when I did so, the guy started busting out some mad Korean on me.
Following the Chicken Art Museum, we went to the Owl Museum, which was literally a display of a bunch of owl toys and memorabilia that a Korean woman collected from around the world.
The third bird we saw was Bjork. Her cage was a stage in Olympic Hall. The concert was very populist in the sense that there were visual aids for the synthesizer. During the last song "Declare your Independence," Bjork and the audience repeatedly chanted "Make your own flag," I was reminded of the presentation I'm working on with the kids at school. It's called "English is Everywhere" and it's basically a flag and cultural presentation of all the countries where people speak English.
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